Wednesday, September 24, 2008

First Criminal Case

Yesterday was my very first "real" criminal case. I've had DUIs and little accident offenses, but nothing like the one I had yesterday.

I get called into a last minute court proceeding that is supposed to be a Malicious Intent to Harm case. Then we got into the meat and potatoes of the case and I was FLOORED! This is a slasher case. Punk kid asks cousin for a ride at 3am, older cousin married with kids says no, punk kid slashes his throat and stabs him three times in the chest before older cousin realizes he's had his throat slit. AND HE LIVED!!! And the DA wants Malicious Intent to Harm??? REALLY!!!!! Wow, I couldn't believe it.

Anyway, the judge wasn't having it and this was for a Motion to Amend to attempted manslaughter. YIKES! I was so excited I could barely take it. This is definitely the coolest case yet.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Weird Place For A Depo

I've heard of some really strange places to take a deposition from reporters all over such as a mens' restroom, a murder scene, a cancer patient's hospital room, etc.

Well, yesterday I showed up for my deposition in The Sticks, Maryland at a really nice law firm, only to find out that was just the meeting place. We weren't actually doing the deposition there. We were doing it on the deer lease. Really? Maybe he could have warned me so I could wear jeans and an orange vest and could have even brought some bug spray while I was at it. Oh no, he told everyone but Miss Court Reporter. So there I was with my machine, my laptop, in a suit driving a BMW through the freaking sticks in a deer lease. I didn't sign up for this!

When I get there, I notice that somewhere in the midst of driving over God's Holy Land, I lost one side of the grill of my car. So not happy. I almost bottomed out twice. I was hoping that they had some sort of crane to lift me out of there in case. I was beginning to worry.

We get up to this cute little hut (no lie) before I realize...oh crap, I hope this doesn't take too long because 1) my laptop battery only goes so long, as does my machine battery and there is no electricity out here, and 2) I'm on my heaviest day of Mother Nature's finest. He best make this quick. Now I'm mad.

He points to a little picnic table and says, "Have a seat and let's get the ball rollin." He wants me to sit where for five hours? Oh hell nah! My back will be killing me after an hour and I'm not a bench player damnitt. (for you softball peeps...thought you'd get a kick out of that thought that seriously ran through my head.)

Okay. I'm a big girl. I can do this. Let's get started...seriously, five hours later, my PMS is starting to kick in as these attorneys are actually eating in front of me. I thought about my co-worker Terri and her reaction to the guys that asked her if they could order pizza while they still talked. She said, "Only if you feed me so I can still write." Sometimes, they just don't have the best thought process for us technical folk. UGH!

Anyway, my computer had already gone caput but my machine was just starting to beep at this point, letting me know that it's O-VA!!! Let's finish this already.

I interrupted Mr. Diarrhea of the Mouth Attorney 1 letting him know that my machine was about to die and we need to take this back to the firm if he wants the rest of this on the record when I realized...I'll be damned. I had a chair in the car!

Oh em gee!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

On The Depo Trail

I was so amused by this. Thought I would share.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Criminal Minds

Tonight's episode of Criminal Minds was doubly amusing for me. Now, I'm a big Law and Order fan, CSI fan, any law show fan. But for whatever reason, I've never seen this show before tonight.

This episode was about a serial killer that was going through town shooting up victims and it turned out to be a court reporter. Basically, the losers that got off easy in his courtroom for terrible things he went out, hunted down and shot 'em up. But I guess while he was doing it, he was air typing the whole case over again on his air steno machine. That's what all the witnesses kept telling cops, that he was pretending to play the piano or something like that. HA!

So when the cops finally put two and two together and realized it was him, they went to the courtroom to arrest him, only he had called in sick. His backup reporter was typing on a circa 1972 manual machine that no one even makes anymore and wasn't even touching the keys. Just grinds me wrong. UGHHH!!!

Then, when they went to his apartment, he had boxes and boxes of his apartment!!! HELLO...who does that? Yes, we take work home with us, but we don't have a special "notes in Iron Mountain boxes" room. It's called the courthouse vault or Big Mike's Storage Hall. And if you still have paper notes, you are close to retirement. Have you heard of computers and electronic files? It's called burn it to a CD. Geez!!!

This is one of those times where I just want to call someone up in Hollywood and give them a lesson. You know, us guardians of the record do watch your shows too. Might be good to do all of your research instead of focusing it on some lame, fake courtroom with some goofy, grandstanding lawyers. My rates are cheap AND I'm available on weekends. LOL...

But overall, the show was really, really, really good. I totally loved it. If I weren't a court reporter, I would have taken claim on the show as a favorite, but when you sterotype us as single, ugly, four-eyed ogres that are psycho, I get a little offended.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Briefly Speaking

Here are a few briefs that I have become very fond of. If you can incorporate them into your writing now, you'll be much better off...TRUST!!!

STAO - State of
STAO/TX - State of can do these with one strokers of all the states.

H-J - headache
R-FP - research
S-FP - search
P-FP - porch
TOJ - to your knowledge
T*OJ - to my knowledge
S-L - simple
S*L - simply
S*M - sympathy
PLE - employee
PLOI - employ
PLOIR - employer
PL*OI - ploy
REP/REP - Republican
P*OS/P*OS - post-traumatic stress syndrome
WARBDZ - Washington, D.C.
TAOILT/# - Title (Roman Numerals) 7 and 9 are the most widely used. At least add those.
PET/PET - petroleum
D*IP or DIP/DIP - diploma
R*IP - relationship
P*IP - partnership
F*IP - friendship
P*UP - pickup (as in the truck)
Then, if you're using Fall/Spring/Summer/Winter of '0#, you can make it to where the apostrophe is in front of the 0 and the season is capped by making four simple dictionary entries:

SURM/OF/0 - Summer of '0 and the same with the other three seasons.

Yes, the season is capped if it's used in this sequence.

Also, if you're using a year brief for your years, and there's a # preceding that, you can have the comma and the space go in beforehand without having to worry about that edit every time.

#, 2007
And lastly for today, your exhibits. When a client says, "Now, let's refer to Exhibit Number 3..." it needs to be capped like that. So I would make one entry and set it up like this:

-X/NURM/# - Exhibit Number

Until next time...GOOD LUCK ON THOSE TESTS!!! See you folks in September.

Funny Stuff

I had this guy today that had diarrhea of the mouth that just wouldn't stop talking. He went on for almost nine pages talking about what he does for work and it's a divorce case. HELLO! Do you really think the lawyer wants a detailed description of your curriculum vitae, Dad? I think not.

Anyway, there were two really amusing parts of the day and I thought I would share since I know I've been totally slacking in the blog department since my vacay. I'll catch up somehow. (winks)


Q: Does your internist prescribe that for you?

A: No. Internists don't prescribe medicines for that. There's a physician by the name of John -- what's John's last name?

Q: Errant?

A: No. I can't think of his last name.

Q: It's a side effect of the mediciation he prescribed for you.

A: Yeah, right. I'll come back to that. Now, what was I saying?


A: I was working for a small association that worked for corporations that used Oracle Business Application Software. Are you familiar with Oracle software?

Q: Sure.


QUESTIONING ATTORNEY: Sure. I am an oracle after all. Let the record note that the court reporter smiled at that arrogance.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Important Reminders for the Newbie

So I know it's been awhile since I posted, so let me bring you guys up on some fun stuff and some important stuff.

Reminders for the newbie:

* NEVER be late to a deposition or hearing, but especially a hearing. The judge will hold you in contempt if (s)he is having a bad day. I just saw it happen to a lawyer the other day and it wasn't pretty.

* Arrive half an hour early EVERY time.

* Work on your dictionary now. If you have an extra $99, send your dictionary off to Mark and ask him for his Dictionary ER. Trust me on this one.

* Always be professional. A sundress and flip flops is okay for church in the summers, but definitely not okay at work, ever.

* Get used to writing without your realtime and read from your notes just in case your software freezes up or your phishing software decides to scan your computer in the middle of a depo and it freezes everything up. It just happened to me. It wasn't pretty. Thank goodness I had paper in my machine, because I wouldn't have been prepared otherwise.

* Use a backup recorder, even if it's the old tape recorder. Have something with you in case the above happens and your audiosynch is what you rely on for audio.
Now onto some of the funnier sides of the job, and believe me, I've definitely had my share in this short span of time.

This was a workers' comp claim about a dude that got smashed on the head by some falling debris at a construction site. And he was fun-ny....Some of these are so inappropriate, but you will definitely get this. Here are a few excerpts from the transcript:


Q: Where did you meet this guy?

A: I don't know. From the neighborhood, I guess. No, no. I remember now. I met old boy at the caberet. Oh yeah, I remember now. It was definitely at the Disco Wall. Big caberet, big titties and a big party.


Q: Well, how did you feel when you got home later that night?

A: Like some crap.


Q: How often would you see your friend outside of work?

A: Well, I see him at least once a week now that his wife done went crazy.


Q: What else has had an impact on your daily activities, or daily life I should say?

A: Well, I used to be good at banging the monkey, but now she gotta get on top of me.


AHAHAHAH. I am so not kidding. I almost died.

Mrs. W and Glyn if you're reading this, you would have been proud of me. I just tucked my chin in and smiled in my shirt.
But this one, I wasn't so good... lol

So, us reporters are supposed to be completely quiet and neutral during any kind of proceedings we're working on, but sometimes, it's just too funny.

Today, I totally laughed out loud in my deposition. Straight up laughed out loud. I was so embarassed, but I couldn't help it. Here's what happened:

My client is the plaintiff's lawyer, young guy but very lawyer-like and is not being so nice. He's interviewing gargantuan officer that's like 8'2 and she can barely fit in the conference room. Everything about this officer looks larger than life: gun, belt, shoes, badge, gun. Did I mention gun?

Anyway, my lawyer asks to have the officer demonstrate a prone handcuffing technique or straight-arm pull-down. Here's a little how it went:

MY ATTORNEY: Would you please demonstrate that, officer?

OFFICER: On you, sir?

MY ATTORNEY: Oh, hell no. On your lawyer. I'm not stupid.

OTHER ATTORNEY: (eyes bulging out of head) My wife will kill me if I tear this jacket.

COURT REPORTER (ME): (Laughs out loud.)

OFFICER: I don't want to hurt my attorney, but I'd be glad to show you, sir.

MY ATTORNEY: No, your attorney is fine. Just do it already.

(Officer takes down own attorney.)

MY ATTORNEY: I would like the record to reflect that opposing counsel went down way too easy.

Everything in parenthesis wasn't in the record, but it was highly amusing. Some days, it's just plain fun.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Just A Few Tips

So, there are a couple things I have learned about reporting as a rookie that I wanted to share:

1) If you have multiple files because you didn't append and continue, make a note on your job sheet so you'll remember.

2) Always work on your job for at least 30 minutes after you get home to get any of the names and address spellings that you didn't get at the deposition out of your mind. It's fresh, and you'll forget by day two.

3) Mark all exhibits with a blue pen so you'll know which one is the original.

4) Get a thick skin. Not all lawyers are nice.

5) Think about getting a little laptop table because you'll need one if you ever take a video deposition because your laptop will be in the screen blocking the witness.

6) Add as many words to your dictionary as you can while in school. After you start working, you won't have the time to go in and add them. Mark has a great dictionary building program that is perfect for this. You send him your dictionary and he sends you the words that should be in your dictionary but aren't.

7) Seriously guys, school is super hard compared to the real world. Practice as much as you can so you can get out here and enjoy. It's a lot of fun.

Friday, March 14, 2008

WOW Firm

So, I've acquired my first expedited/rough ASCII/super super important case on Wednesday. It was a night depo, so I also got after hours fees. (In other words...a good paycheck.)

However, with that I have not been able to sleep for the last few days and have become somewhat delirious. But the job I had this morning was no hallucination.

I had asked the office to schedule me out Friday and Monday so I can get this job completed and to all the attorneys on time and looking good. But there was a scheduling mix-up and they asked if I could take a last minute depo this morning.

Okay...I jump in a suit and grab machine and out the door I go. It's in downtown so I had to park in those $500 a day garages...(okay, not that much, but whatever. lol) I get to the office building and walk in.

The floors are all white marble with a black marble trim. The security desk is even marble. They don't have lights. They have chandelliers. It's simply striking. I had to get a security escort up to the 9th floor where I get out of the elevators, walk down a short corridor to the receptionist. This firm is the ENTIRE floor!!!

She led me down the hall a little more to the conference room that had a really long cherrywood table that held 25 leather rocking chairs. At the very back of the room is a long breakfast bar, complete with muffins, smoothies, soda, water, coffee, and even CEREAL!!! Across the hall was a legal library of all hardback legal case files and literature. Rather impressive.

I'm beginning to wonder, seriously, if this is real or not. I tried a muffin and a smoothie...definitely real! This is so cool.

After all the last second delays and after getting set up, the two attorneys ended up agreeing to a settlement and they didn't need me anyway. LOL...oh well, I get the appearance fee, my muffin and my smoothie to head back home to edit more pages. I really love this job!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Life Lesson

I found this very moving and wanted to share.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

"I'm Just Wondering What 6 p.m. Feels Like."

What a classic line. Tonight on a show I was watching, Tasha is sitting on the couch and says, "I'm just wonder what 6 p.m. feels like." Seriously...I've totally been saying that these two months in D.C.

For a little bit of background information, for those of you who don't know, I quit college to work in Corporate America with UPS. I worked with the highest CEO and CFO's at UPS Corporate in Arizona. I'm talking multi-gazillionaires. My last boss made 400 times what I made in one year. It made me crazy. I was making them look awesome, while they took month-long vacations in Fiji with their family and their family's friends. So I looked into another career. Ironically, it ended up being the career I had initially wanted to pursue out of high school. I had been working 60-80 hours a week and finally refused to go in to work on a Sunday, and sat down and watched TV for once. And this commercial came across for court reporting. I signed up for the school, and five long years later....LONG years later, I am now officially working as a reporter.

But I have to say, the quality of life is AMAZING! I work maybe 5 hours a week outside of my home and can take a job if I want to, or can call in to the office and schedule myself out for the day if I have appointments. And the money...they definitely repay you for all the heartbreak and depression you go through while in school. It's absolutely worth all the trouble.

So, I've found myself sitting around at say, 2 p.m. on a Tuesday, completely unsure of what to do with myself. What do people do at 2 p.m. on Tuesday? I'm not a real TV show or soap person, so I refuse to get addicted to any of that. I don't know anyone here, so I can't just go out and have a late lunch or coffee with someone. So tell me: What exactly do people do at 2 p.m. on Tuesday?

Day From Hell

So, I haven't been able to sleep really since coming up here to DC. So, me being up until 4 a.m. floating around the Internet is not really unusual these days, especially if I don't have a job the next morning.

Well, I got called in to a last minute hearing today. Got the call at 10:15 saying that the hearing was supposed to be at 10:00 and the original reporter didn't show up, asked if I could take the job. SURE!!! But I sure am sleepy.

Don't gross out though....I didn't have time to take a shower. I know, I know, eww. But I had to get to Manassas which is an hour away very quickly. So, I threw on my pinstriped very sassy suit, grabbed my machine and flew out the door.

Well, apparently people in Virginia freak out when it rains, and there's hella traffic. It takes me an hour and a half to get there. So when I show up in the courtroom, the lawyer turns around to me and says, "We don't need you anymore." WHAT? Are you serious?

I was livid. I still get paid for an appearance fee, but just the way he talked to me was enough to get me all riled up. I'm not the reporter who skipped out on you @#$@#&*!#@! LOL.

Oh well. I go get back in my beemer and jump on the highway only to get hit by some flying shrapnel from an 18-wheeler. I had to pull over on the side of the highway (with the shoulder being like, I don't know, 1" wide) and check out what was dragging underneath my car. It was my undercarriage/bumper. Totally hanging off and ripped in half. I'm kicking the car and cursing in my fly suit. I'm not a happy camper. Thank God I had some duct tape in my trunk. (Back off me, I'm from Texas. My Daddy taught me well.) I duct taped my pretty little car up and went on my way.

It's now 2 p.m. and I am at home, venting on this blog. I made some fajitas, YUMMY, and am drinking a few glasses of Riesling out of a juice glass. How old am I?

(Sighs) Let's just hope the crap is over for the day. My old self is gonna get drunk by myself at 2 in the afternoon. Peace out!

(Addition at 9 p.m.)

And just when I thought that was enough, I fell out of my chair reaching for my phone, knocked over my machine, broke my paper tray, and now I have a nasty little gash on my forehead. Can someone please fast-foward the time? If I was remotely negative, I might have gone off the deep end, but for whatever reason, it makes me laugh. I mean, who falls out of their chair? REALLY?

Sunday, February 17, 2008

These are fun!

CRAZY Cases this week...

So, those of you classmates that have already heard the wave file don't need to read this first paragraph. I'll paraphrase just for convenience. I had a simple -- or what I thought was simple -- traffic case that should have taken no more than 50 seconds. This kid brings in the neighborhood to vouch for his bubbly personality and in short, ends up getting them all arrested. I've never seen five officers move on a group of people so fast. And I, meanwhile, am sitting up front trying to get the peanut gallary's words down on my machine. It's just not happening. Thank God for backup recorders.

LOL, sorry. I just thought of the movie Independence Day will Will Smith. "We're looking for the best of the best of the best, sir." Well, quite frankly, the best of the best of the best would have had a problem with this case. It was complete and total chaos.

So, that was at the beginning of the week. The next case I had was my very first trial case, but one that didn't host an entire courtroom full of people. I was so excited, I got there an hour and half early. I couldn't contain myself. I surely didn't want to be late, so I figured I was better safe than sorry, so I decided to give myself some extra fluff time. LOL, I guess I kind of went overboard...just a little. It was SO freakin' cool though. I was sitting up front next to the clerk and the judge, all by my lonesome with a desk that was barely big enough to hold my laptop. But dangitt, this was MY case and I was going to rock it! (I know ya'll can see me saying that. LOL) It was a landlord/tenant case. Pretty simple, but I'll be damned if the wrong person won because of a simple technicality. Oh well, I'm just typing away, not my issue. But it sure was fun. No nerves today. Bring on the big stuff. I'm ready!

Minus the chair throwing, this is what it felt like. Did you get every word of that?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Extra Time

So, with all the cancelations, I have been finding a few hours during the week that I'm not used to having. What do you do at noon on Tuesday if you're not at work? I am starting to walk and keep better eating habits. I feel like I'm the only one here in DC that isn't active. LOL. Everyone runs or cycles here. My bike is not with me, so I just decided to find a park up the way and just walk the track...when I'm not editing of course.

I've found that the Eclipse software is quite cool. I love the fact that I don't have to take my hand off the keys to move around the document. Actually, I think it's pretty awesome. So, I will be putting Case up on eBay here soon. Might as well, I guess.

Okay...just wanted to say hi. I'm watching the Super Bowl and rooting against my sister's adopted team, the Patriots. BLAH! I don't like NY much, but I like them more than Mr. Perfect, so I might as well just root against 'em.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just dropping in a quick one

Hey all. I'm just dropping in a quick blog so I can get back to editing my uncontested divorce hearing, which was all of ten minutes, but is taking me forever because I had all foreign witnesses with a very thick accent/slur. Note to self: get the spellings of all witnesses, parties, and even attorneys before you leave! AHH...

Is it spring yet? It's freezing up here.

GOOD LUCK to you guys that are heading down for the CSR exam. I'll see you there in April! You can do it!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008


So, how funny is this? Bless their you see it yet? My very first business cards, oops.


I miss you guys! See you in class.

Court versus Freelancing

Okay, so up here in D.C., they do not have appointed officials for each judge. They are all floaters. And let's just be honest...court is a little on the crazy side.

I had to sit in on three court trials during my training period.

The first one, we got there an hour early, sat in waiting for the case for 30 minutes, and the actual session was 50 seconds. They asked for a motion to continue at a later date. The attorneys did not want a transcript, but you get a sitting fee for going up there anyway. No waste in time, as far as I'm concerned. It actually works out in your favor.

The second one was AWESOME! I got to sit in on a bench trial with this merit reporter that was amazing. It didn't start off so hot, though. We were told 10 a.m. and it was actually 9 a.m. Not the firm's fault, but the reporter that was doing the first day's job failed to relay the new start time to the firm. She called in sick for day two of the trial, so the firm had to get a replacement. So, we got there an hour late, which was awkward. The judge was all fussy about having the reporter set up in .2 seconds, and this girl had her machine plus three other bags. Lots to carry in, but man was she impressive. She had two, count them, two laptops. They were both sitting on a laptop cooler fan thingy, so they were upright. She had one for her research and email only, the other only for her software. At breaks, she would transfer her Eclipse file to a thumb drive and send it on the other computer through email to her scopist at home. By lunch, they were working on the first four hours of the trial. Talk about a production machine. WOW! She was pretty incredible and ohmigoodness, was she so sweet and helpful. I went to lunch with her to pick her brain, and she was so supportive of me. She gave me her number and also invited me to go to the mid-year conference with her in Boston so I could meet some of her reporter friends. I mean, seriously, I've never really understood the "family atmosphere" of a professional organization. So far, I have yet to meet another reporter that didn't want me to succeed and have a wonderful life. I'm so lucky to have run across that cheesy television commercial to point me to school.

The third meeting was in a different court house. I went up there and sat in the wrong room for about 30 minutes until the firm called me and told me that the reporter had called in and said that they changed the room number. LOL, rookie mistake. If the room is empty, go find someone. I got over there just in time to hear a horrible sexual assault case, right before another 20 second motion to continue. Hey, life is good. LOL...

Note to self: The bailiff is your friend. Get to know them and be friends with them. They'll let you in early to set up.

Also, set up early and go sit down because the judge will call each case out and see how long they think it will take, then he will prioritize, time wise, and call the cases by his timeline. He will call each case out and the attorney's will go up to the tables, and you will follow. Pretty simple. But get there fast, because the judge doesn't wait very long. I say at least have your backup recorder in your hand and on when he calls the name out, so if you miss something he says before you can get up to table where your equipment is, you will have it recorded.

First Day On The Job

So, on the 3rd, just a few days after I got to D.C., I had to sit in on a depo with the owner of the firm. It was five hours long. Phew, talk about stamina. It started at 11am and two five minute breaks later, ended. No lunch break ladies...always take a snack is the first lesson I learned. Between me and the owner, I was surprised we could hear any of the audio over our stomachs. LOL.

But, after the owner looked over my editing job, she gave me a few tips that I thought would be helpful.

1) Never use gonna and wanna for the attorneys, even if they actually said those words. After all that money they spent in law school, they will not be happy seeing those words on the deposition. Good point!

2) Try to get the by-lines in while you're typing to save on editing time.

3) Get your machine cleaned before you start working in the real world. Apparently, my machine had a subtle click noise that was noticeable during transcription.

4) Get a backup recorder with microphone to use as a backup if your audiosynch isn't working, just in case.

5) Get cheap microphones for your computer and backup recorder, just in case some client is nervous and spills her coffee all over your newly acquired equipment.

6) After each job, go directly home and at least work on 30 pages, just to get the first part out of your mind. That's usually the names and spellings of all the people involved in the case.

7) Ask each lawyer for a business card, and also ask them for the spelling of the names before you leave. I have made a keystroke on my machine for a bookmark that I check during break and get the spellings then. No research after that.

8) Get the case caption, or title page, from the case from one of the lawyers, so you will have all the correct information. Don't always trust the job information that is given to you from the firm. People can make typing erors. <-----

9) Always be dressed business professional, meaning a suit, usually pants. If you wear a skirt, and you're outside, it might not be so fun. Stay safe, and stick with the pant suit. Even if the lawyers tell you that it's a casual deposition, you want to appear professional. Let them be casual while you stay professional.

And most importantly, go in there looking like you've been doing this for years. Do not even let them know you're nervous or new. If they know that, they will ask you to readback often, and well, that could be disastrous for your first job. Trust me. My notes were slop for the first two minutes. It wasn't pretty.

Good News

Work life is definitely easier than school, so there is light at the end of the tunnel girls.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

In DC Now

Wow...what a trip that was. I just wanted to give you guys an update. I'm here in DC after a bit of a traumatic Xmas Eve. My little dog Poe scratched me across the eyelid and tore it open, resulting in stitches and surgery. It wasn't pretty. It pushed my trip back a little bit, so I missed Mrs. Woodard while she was up here. (pouts)

I'm here now, and it's SUPER cold. My first job starts tomorrow. It's a deposition with the owner, so as you can imagine, I'm a bit nervous, but extremly excited!!!

Note to the on your credit score NOW while you're in school, because if you don't have money saved up, you will need several thousand to start out. Example: digital recorder, backup batteries for your machine and laptop, extention cords, business cards, accounting software, exhibit stickers, backup paper, professional software, and insurance if you're a freelancer. Phew! Wasn't expecting those things.

Will write more later. I just wanted to throw in an update. I'll add pictures of the trip, too!