Wednesday, January 2, 2008

In DC Now

Wow...what a trip that was. I just wanted to give you guys an update. I'm here in DC after a bit of a traumatic Xmas Eve. My little dog Poe scratched me across the eyelid and tore it open, resulting in stitches and surgery. It wasn't pretty. It pushed my trip back a little bit, so I missed Mrs. Woodard while she was up here. (pouts)

I'm here now, and it's SUPER cold. My first job starts tomorrow. It's a deposition with the owner, so as you can imagine, I'm a bit nervous, but extremly excited!!!

Note to the on your credit score NOW while you're in school, because if you don't have money saved up, you will need several thousand to start out. Example: digital recorder, backup batteries for your machine and laptop, extention cords, business cards, accounting software, exhibit stickers, backup paper, professional software, and insurance if you're a freelancer. Phew! Wasn't expecting those things.

Will write more later. I just wanted to throw in an update. I'll add pictures of the trip, too!

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